Science Fair Projects for High School Biology Related to Music

Science fair projects related to music are a fantastic way to combine your love for the arts with your interest in science. Many experiments require setting up a control group to allow you to test the results of modifications to an otherwise identical environment. The most difficult part of a music science project is keeping all the variables the same. Using precise methods, you can find the answers to several questions that connect biology and music. Bolster your results by repeating your experiments if possible.

Plant Growth

Experiment to see if music affects plant growth. Set up three rooms or section off three soundproof areas with three identical plants. The rooms should all be the same temperature, and should not have any sunlight. In place of the sun, use plant lights so you can control the exact amount of light. In one room, play Mozart or another classical composer. In another room, play no music, and in the third room, play rock, blues, country or another type of music you like. Make sure you use the same water for each set of plants and control all other conditions precisely. At the end of two weeks, check to see if there is a difference in growth and plant health.

Frequency Recognition

Check to see if younger people have better pitch recognition abilities than older people. Acquire a program that allows you to play several pitch frequencies. Take notes and play frequencies ranging from 8 hertz to 22 hertz. Provide each participant with the same style headphones and a piece of paper that lists all the frequencies you wish to test. Tell each participant to place a mark next to each frequency he can hear. You can further divide this group into male and female age bracket comparisons.

Test Taking

Administer a basic math test with 100 questions to a classroom of students. Select the students that have the most comparable math scores to participate in the test. Give the students a new math test based on the same information and divide them into two groups. Play music for the first group while they take the second test. The type of music is up to you. The second group should take the test without music. For more accuracy and full disclosure, ask the students a simple yes or no question at the end, "Did you enjoy the music?" This will allow you to create results based on how the music affected performance, and if students that enjoyed the music fared better or worse than they did on the first test.

Mice in a Maze

Set up a three identical mazes with a food reward at the end. Send three groups of rats through the maze and time each group. This will be your baseline for the first maze attempt. On the second maze attempt, the time should increase. In one maze, play classical music while the mice run through the maze. In the second maze, play another type of music such as rock or country. In the third maze, play no music. Time each set of rats and see if there is a relationship between music and time to complete the maze.


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