How to Age a Violin

There is no quick method to naturally age a violin. The best you can do is store the violin in a way that will keep it in good condition and allow the violin to age naturally. In most cases, aging a violin is not necessary, and consistent play will help to break-in the violin and procure the best sound possible from the instrument. However, if you want to store a violin and age it for posterity, there are some necessary preparations you must make to preserve the instrument's mechanical integrity.

Step 1

Loosen the strings on the violin by one-half turn counterclockwise. Complete this process on all four strings to prevent the tension in the violin strings from eventually bending the neck and warping the instrument.

Step 2

Wipe the strings with a damp cloth to remove the rosin from the bow hairs. Rub the strings in a single direction from the tip of the bow to the frog.

Step 3

Wrap the violin in a clean, soft cloth to protect the instrument from movement and potential damage from transit.

Step 4

Place the violin in its case and store it in a location that does not have extreme temperatures or humidity as both heat and cold can damage a violin.

Step 5

Place the bow properly in the case by securing the stick with the notches at the top and bottom on the inside of the violin case.

Step 6

Drop a cloth over the top of the violin to provide extra padding and protect the instrument while in storage.


Playing your violin regularly and performing regular maintenance will also age your violin. New violins can be stiff so consistent, daily practice is essential.


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