How to Make a Live Acoustic Guitar Sound Full

The acoustic guitar is notorious for its light, thin sound. There are, however, certain ways to increase the density of the guitar's sound to make it sound more full. The type of music that's chosen to be played is one of the prime reasons that a guitar doesn’t sound full. Choosing the right music and then modifying it to create additional density will allow you to achieve a sound that's full and rich. The choice of pick and strings will also help to get a full sound on the guitar.

Step 1 Play with a heavier guitar pick to increase the density and fullness of the sound. Heavier picks create a thicker sound because they're less pliable and create more friction with the strings.

Step 2 Change out your strings for heavy-gauge strings. You can either do this yourself by restringing the entire guitar, or purchase heavier strings from a guitar or music store and ask a qualified employee to do it for you. Some stores may even do this for free if you purchase the strings from them.

Step 3 Select music that avoids pitches in the higher range of the guitar. The higher you ascend on the guitar, the thinner the sound will be. Alternatively, you could transpose all of the music down an octave to get a deeper, fuller sound.

Step 4 Find music that uses chords and avoid pieces that use single melodies. The more strings used in a composition, the heavier the sound will be. You may also wish to add some chords to your song. Taking a course at a local community college or online will increase your theory knowledge and allow you to easily add chords to melodies.


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