How to Make Specific Noises With a Didgeridoo

A didgeridoo is an Aborigine instrument designed to create several musical effects.

The didgeridoo is a North Australian Aborigine instrument formed out of wood that has been hollowed out by termites. To make specific noises with a didgeridoo, you must learn how to circular breathe to create a drone while buzzing through the instrument. This will create the initial sound. Then you can use your voice to sing through the instrument or your tongue to articulate notes while maintaining a drone to create specific noises with the instrument.

Step 1 Blow through the instrument as you normally would and buzz your lips, creating a low and slow vibration. This will produce the basic drone that is used as the foundation for specific noises.

Step 2 Sing while playing the drone to create specific pitches on the didgeridoo. This is a process called multi-phonics in which you create more than one note through a combination of buzzing and singing.

Step 3 Place your tongue at the roof of your mouth so that the tip hits the place where your mouth and teeth hit to create clucking noises. Flick your tongue downward to the floor of your mouth to create a clucking sound.

Step 4 Create articulations within the drone using a tonguing technique. The tip of the tongue should hit the roof of your mouth between the teeth and the gum line and then pull back quickly.

Step 5 Pronounce the syllables "tu-ku" to learn to double tongue. The "tu" syllable creates the initial articulation while the "ku" syllable pushes air forward creating the second articulation. Tips Warnings Key Concepts didgeridoo effects didgeridoo sound didgeridoo noises creating didgeridoo tones playing didgeridoo

Didgeridoo Store: How to Play Didgeridoo []
How to Play Didgeridoo: Vocalizing []


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