How to Oil a Trumpet

here are three methods of oiling a trumpet depending on how much time you have available -- oil without removing the valves, a partial removal and a complete removal of the valves. Without proper oiling, valves will stick and affect the ability to play the instrument. The oil lubricates the valves and casing to ensure that each valve slides easily through the shaft.

Quick Method 

Step 1 Turn the trumpet upside down to oil the valves through the openings in the bottom of the valve casing.

Step 2 Tilt the trumpet 45 degrees so that the oil will drain down the side of the valves.

Step 3 Turn the trumpet in a circle to let the oil disperse evenly on the casing.

Step 4 Quickly move the valve up and down with the trumpet upside down to spread the oil throughout the valve.

Partial Method

Step 1 Hold the trumpet in your lap with the valves facing upwards.

Step 2 Turn the valve cap counter-clockwise to unscrew it from the casing.

Step 3 Pull the valve out about 3 inches and apply oil on the entire exposed part of the valve.

Step 4 Push the valve down and pull the valve up to distribute the oil evenly throughout the casing.

Step 5 Screw the valve cap back on to the casing. Be very careful that you screw it on properly. If the valve cap doesn't turn easily, re-align the cap to ensure that you do not strip the threads in the cap.

Complete Removal

Step 1 Remove all three valve caps and bottoms by turning the screws counter-clockwise.

Step 2 Place the valves and their corresponding springs on a cloth to prevent damage, in the same order you removed them.

Step 3 Brush the inside of each casing with a valve brush to remove any build-up.

Step 4 Apply oil to the inside of the valve casing and valve.

Step 5 Replace the bottom valve cap, spring and valve in that order. The spring should be centered in the middle of the casing before the valve is replaced.

Step 6 Screw the valve back on to the casing and press the valve up and down quickly to distribute the oil.

Step 7 Follow Steps 4 through 6 for the remaining valves.

Use a high-quality synthetic valve oil. Synthetic oils provide better performance and protect the insides of the valve casings. Cheaper oils require more oil and often become gunky inside the valves. The valves contain numbers on the valve stem. You may have to push the round pads up to see the number. These numbers help identify the valve they belong to.

Never use water or any liquid other than valve oil. Water may work for a few minutes, but your valves will stick worse and you may even have trouble removing them from the casing. Oil stains fabric, so be careful to keep it off your clothing and furniture.


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