How to Plan a Piano Recital

Planning a piano recital is an exciting process that will undoubtedly test your resolve and ability to cope with several challenges. The best pianists in the world carefully plan each piece they will play depending on the venue and potential audience. Recitals take a large amount of energy and preparation to ensure that every aspect of the recital is a success. People will remember an outstanding piano recital and a poorly orchestrated one, while typically forgetting average recitals.

Step 1 Select music for your recital based on a theme or style of music. The style of music you choose will largely determine the size and location of your recital.

Step 2 Decide on a location for your recital. If you want an intimate informal recital with short delicate pieces, look for a small concert hall. If you want a large hall, expect to play music that is dense enough to fill the hall. Contact music schools for recommendations; many schools have halls available for rent.

Step 3 Contact the venue to discuss available dates, booking fees and whether they will provide a tuned piano to use. Select a date and pay for the venue. If they do not provide a piano, contact a local music store to discuss loan and setup options. Schedule an hour before the concert to allow enough time for setup.

Step 4 Create posters advertising your event and hang them in local coffee shops, music stores, schools and universities. Hang the fliers a month ahead of time to provide enough notice to potential audience members.

Step 5 Advertise your piano recital on your website if you have one. Bring in as many audience members as possible to help spread the word about your performance.

Step 6 Prepare programs for your recital. Include title information, the composer, date of birth and death if available and a short note about each piece in the program notes. Include information about any performers who play with you in the recital.

Step 7 Have your programs printed at least a week ahead of time. Double-check the hard copy of the program for errors and typos before printing. Print 10 percent above the number of programs you anticipate needing.

Step 8 Secure a recording professional to record and archive your recital. Ask the venue you are performing at if they provide this service. Otherwise, look in the yellow pages or online for recording engineers.

Step 9 Plan refreshments for the reception. The reception is a time to meet, network and answer any questions from concertgoers about your performance. Tell them about your website if you have one and provide them with a way to contact you for future performances. If you have a schedule of performances, have one handy to inform your fans of upcoming concerts.


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