How to Promote a Single of an Album

Exhaust several options for promoting your music.

Promoting a single of an album poses more challenges than promoting an entire album. The single sells for significantly less than an album, which requires you to be frugal and careful to avoid spending more on advertising that you will make in sales. Several options exist for advertising your work; take advantage of all the practical avenues that exist for promoting and selling your single. To sell your music, people must first know it exists.

Place your music on a social network and use tracking tools to determine the demographics of the people listening to your music. Determine the target audience for your music by playing concerts and asking participants for demographic information by passing out fliers requesting contact information or providing a code for a free download for completing a short questionnaire.

Create a promo package to distribute to organizations that can promote your music. The promo package should include a press release, a short bio, contact information, a color photo of you or your band and a recording of your single or, if available, an entire album.

Advertise to the people that will purchase your single. If you have a concert coming up, call local radio stations, music stores and universities, send them your promo package and ask them to advertise your show. Include information so that the audience can discover more information about your single.

Find out what sets your single apart from other music. Promote your single with a story, or original visual artwork. Visual associations will help people remember your band and your single. Maybe your band has an unusual story, or the music uses non-conventional instruments. Find something original about your music and sell that idea.

Create a newsletter and use a newsletter service to administer to your fans. Offer a free download of the single to the first 100 people that sign up for your newsletter. If you are a new band, you may have to give away some of your music for free just to get your name out there. As a new band, use a social networking site to advertise or purchase online ads through a major search engine to get people to sign up for your newsletter.

Start with a small advertising campaign to see what works. Build your base locally to find out what sells and what doesn't. Once you build a successful local promotion, expand to other communities.


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