How to Replace Violin Strings That Are Crossing Over

Violin strings that are crossing over do not need to be replaced, they only need to be restrung to the appropriate notches and tightened. If the violin strings are crossing each other it means that you have a violin in which the strings have come loose and out of position. This is a fix that can be completed without any tools and can be completed without having to remove the strings from the violin.

Step 1 Hold the violin directly in front of you so that the bridge is facing you and the neck stretches upwards towards the ceiling.

Step 2 Loosen the violin strings by twisting the pegs on the neck of the violin towards you. Loosen them so that you can place a finger between the string and the violin fingerboard.

Step 3 Start with the E string and position it so that it fits over the notch on the end of the fingerboard closest to the right edge of the violin. Once the string is positioned over the notch, tighten the lowest peg on the right side. This will make the E string taught and put it in the correct position. You do not need to tighten the string too much, just ensure that there is enough tension to keep the string from moving on the fingerboard.

Step 4 Find the peg on the top of the right-hand side to set the A string in the correct position. The string connected to this peg should fit in the second notch from the right on the violin fingerboard. Tighten the string to ensure that the string does not move from its position.

Step 5 Tighten the lowest peg on the left-hand side of the violin after ensuring that the string is placed over the notch that is on the left side of the violin. This string adjusts the tension of the G string.

Step 6 Adjust the final peg immediately above the G string peg. This peg controls the D string of the violin. Make sure that the string is placed over the second notch from the left and tighten the string by turning the peg.

Step 7 Tune the violin as your normally would to ensure that the strings have the appropriate amount of tension to play the proper pitches. You can use a tuning fork, piano or tuner to find the correct pitches.

Replacing violin strings is a worst-case scenario for when a string is broken. If the strings are simply crossed do not replace the entire string. Removing the strings can cause the bridge to collapse.


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