Ways to Learn to Hit Low Notes in Singing
Extending the low range of your singing voice will improve your tone production and ability to hit high notes. By extending your range, the vocal cords expand and become more flexible. This makes it possible to extend your reach both high and low. Care should be taken to avoid extending the range too quickly. Daily practice is the key to slowly developing your voice to hit the low notes when singing.
Sing a note that is in the lower part of your comfortable range. This note should come easily. Once you have found it, locate the same pitch on the piano. Then sing on whole notes a major scale descending into your low range. Go as low as possible without straining your voice. This exercise will help to expand your range slowly over time. Always begin each practice session with this exercise to expand your range.
Developing vocal flexibility will help to loosen your vocal cords and expand your low range. Pick a note that is in the middle of your range and jump up a perfect fifth. Then, slowly extend down through the pitches of the chromatic scale back to the original note. Practice this exercise by continuing to lower the starting pitch one half step each time until you get to the lowest part of your range.
Make a sound as if you are yawning and skip up one octave and then down one octave. Continue this several times on quarter notes; be careful to not strain your voice. As with other exercises, you will practice this exercise on several pitches, slowly moving downwards through a chromatic scale. Complete this exercise going up the scale as well. Every time you increase your high or low range, you improve the opposite end of the range as well.
Practice quarter note scale fragments using the same vocal technique that you use when you yawn. Pronounce the syllable “Gee” and sing quarter notes starting on G in the middle of the staff. Sing the following progression of notes and then move down a half step chromatically for the next set: G -- G-sharp -- A -- A-sharp -- B -- A-sharp -- A -- G-sharp -- G. Hold the G out for four beats and then move the series down to F-sharp.
"Vocal Warm Ups & Exercises"; Christina E. Branz; 2006
Your Personal Singing Guide: Extend Your Singing Range [http://www.your-personal-singing-guide.com/singing-range.html]
Piano Exercise
Sing a note that is in the lower part of your comfortable range. This note should come easily. Once you have found it, locate the same pitch on the piano. Then sing on whole notes a major scale descending into your low range. Go as low as possible without straining your voice. This exercise will help to expand your range slowly over time. Always begin each practice session with this exercise to expand your range.
Developing vocal flexibility will help to loosen your vocal cords and expand your low range. Pick a note that is in the middle of your range and jump up a perfect fifth. Then, slowly extend down through the pitches of the chromatic scale back to the original note. Practice this exercise by continuing to lower the starting pitch one half step each time until you get to the lowest part of your range.
Make a sound as if you are yawning and skip up one octave and then down one octave. Continue this several times on quarter notes; be careful to not strain your voice. As with other exercises, you will practice this exercise on several pitches, slowly moving downwards through a chromatic scale. Complete this exercise going up the scale as well. Every time you increase your high or low range, you improve the opposite end of the range as well.
Quarter Notes
Practice quarter note scale fragments using the same vocal technique that you use when you yawn. Pronounce the syllable “Gee” and sing quarter notes starting on G in the middle of the staff. Sing the following progression of notes and then move down a half step chromatically for the next set: G -- G-sharp -- A -- A-sharp -- B -- A-sharp -- A -- G-sharp -- G. Hold the G out for four beats and then move the series down to F-sharp.
"Vocal Warm Ups & Exercises"; Christina E. Branz; 2006
Your Personal Singing Guide: Extend Your Singing Range [http://www.your-personal-singing-guide.com/singing-range.html]
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